If we put crude oil into a Ferrari instead of premium petrol, how do you think it would fare in a race?
It would cut out, start smoking and have to be towed off the track.
You, sir, are a Ferrari . . . but you’re treating yourself like a secondhand run around.
You have to be accountable for your choices and habits. You have to pick better fuel because what you put in directly dictates what you are getting out of your body, your mind and your life!
And there’s no quick solution to a lifetime of not keeping up on maintenance.
But that’s ok.
Because you’re not looking for a band-aid.
You’re looking to become the BEST, fittest, most successful version of yourself.
You’re looking to become the Ultimate person you can become.
JP Temple’s Ultimate Wellness Program
So what do I know about creating the habits for success in your life?
I’m JP Temple, and for the past two decades, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of clients as their personal trainer and coach. My clients have run the gamut from billionaires, actors, athletes, boxers, kick boxers, MMA fighters, and CEOs to clients with eating disorders or illnesses to clients who were substance abusers or newly released from prison.
Do you know what all these clients had in common?
They all wanted to feel TRULY successful in every area of their lives.
What does that mean?

Success is not one dimensional. If you’re in great shape but your career is falling apart, you will not feel successful. If you’re making great money but are 100 pounds overweight, you’re not going to feel successful.
You’ve got to reset your entire system, every spoke of the wheel, and that’s what my clients did.
I was able to empower these clients to write a new story for themselves.
Everyone has a belief system at their core.
This belief system is set early in life, and it guides us until we take the time to go in, manually reroute, and follow the new directions to the destination we want for ourselves.
I’ve discovered that the best way to do this is through the 3 pillars of the Ultimate Wellness Program: the Power Habits for Total Vitality.
This Power Habit consists of training in eating, sleeping, and mindset mastery.
Learn what and when to eat to see what positively affects your mood and performance, as well as minimizing dips in energy and focus. Course correcting your eating habits has a huge effect on all other areas of life so you can stand for what you truly want and focus on your goals.
I work closely with a team of top-notch health evaluation researchers in London. These assessments and Strategy utilise the most scientifically advanced tests and diagnostic techniques to provide you with the most comprehensive understanding of your health available in the world today – clinically designed entirely for YOU by world leading experts in proactive health – communicated in plain English and summarised in your own Health Strategy plan. And once you have this knowledge, we will work with you to define a forward-looking programme for your future health. Helping you manage health concerns, live longer, live younger, have more energy, live life to the full. We will also help you pinpoint the foods that are most aligned with your natural digestive system—your signature power foods! This is shown through a full health screening tailored to you.
Next- SLEEP. Discover what sleep pattern works for you and apply them so you can feel rested and refreshed instead of longing for another cup of coffee.
Mindset mastery is the cornerstone of your health. Through The Ultimate wellness Program, you will discover how to make this a habit for life. You’ll find what makes you truly happy and work towards it so you can keep it alive within you through practice.
Plus, essential to your Power Habit for Health is my signature mind reboot process that uses a short power meditation for clearing negative thoughts and keeping your focus.
Cultivating healthy habits around regular physical fitness can add years to your life. I focus on resistance training, cardio, and flexibility for a well-toned and healthy physical body.
It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in when you begin, you will look and feel totally different during this process!
Resistance training awakens your strength and helps you believe in your capability, assuring your balance and agility.
Cardio not only strengthens your heart, but it also gives you the stamina outside the gym… and in you’re every day life.
Flexibility creates full-range body movement to help you stay supple for life. A freer body is a freer mind. Regardless of how fit or healthy a person may be, they are more likely to complain about feeling old because their range of movement decreases. You don’t realize how much you value being able to pick something up off the floor or twist freely to grab something till you can’t do it with ease.
“You can’t stay positive all the time.”
While that’s true, we can stay positive most of the time. And on the other occasions, we can practice techniques that can retrain your brain to flip the switch back to balance.
It would be easy to look externally for the solution to negative thinking; however, your brain and way of thinking—your deep-rooted internal belief systems—are really chartering your path in life. When you master those, you master your destiny.
This system is as much of what you can let go of as what you can gain. Letting go of and dealing with stress is a top priority.
It’s easy to stay addicted to the heroine of negative thinking and without even realizing that this has become a habit. If you don’t get ahead of this, you’ll find yourself in a cycle of feeling on the defense , defending the” I am good enough” which comes from a fear of not being good enough, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what that does to your relationships.
One aspect of the coach training technique used is to unlock your old belief system of limits you put on yourself . We do this through physical training, to help align, redirect and refocus your inner beast.
I will help create a shift in you , thus awakening the true you, the ULTIMATE you, and showing you what your truly capable of.
I will help you retrain your brain and your body for success, empowering you towards the life you truly desire”